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Produkt zum Begriff Workout:

  • Pandas Workout
    Pandas Workout

    Practice makes perfect pandas. Work out your pandas skills against dozens of real-world challenges, each carefully designed to build an intuitive knowledge of essential pandas tasks.In Pandas Workout you'll learn how to:Clean your data for accurate analysisWork with rows and columns for retrieving and assigning dataHandle indexes, including hierarchical indexesRead and write data with a number of common formats, such as CSV and JSONProcess and manipulate textual data from within pandasWork with dates and times in pandasPerform aggregate calculations on selected subsets of dataProduce attractive and useful visualizations that make your data come aliveDiscover 50 exercises that will strengthen your pandas skills to a level of automatic fluency. You'll test yourself against common pandas challenges such as data cleaning, and explore real-world datasets such as New York Taxis, Kickstarter projects, and global tourist spending. Detailed explanations help guide your success and make your new skills stick. You'll even get a big boost to productivity, with tasks that used to mean a trip to StackOverflow now a natural part of your skillset.about the technologyMastering pandas means working out your new skills until they become like reflexes. This book gives you lots of pandas practice by working through the kind of scenarios you'll face in the real world. Whether you're a data scientist or a programmer handling large quantities of data, you'll soon overcome pandas's learning curve and start solving complex problems in less time.about the bookPandas Workout hones your pandas skills to a professional-level through 50 hands-on exercises, along with 150 bonus challenges to really test your skills. Expert Python trainer Reuven Lerner coaches you through essentials like data frames and reveals pandas's rich functionality for string and date/time handling, complex indexing, and visualization. Clear explanations and detailed Jupyter Notebooks accompany every exercise, along with comparisons of different possible solutions. Work through this book, and you'll be ready to flex your muscles against even the trickiest pandas problems!RETAIL SELLING POINTS   Clean your data for accurate analysis  Work with rows and columns for retrieving and assigning data Handle indexes, including hierarchical indexes  Read and write data with a number of common formats, such as CSV and JSON  Process and manipulate textual data from within pandas  Work with dates and times in pandas  Perform aggregate calculations on selected subsets of data AUDIENCE For Python programmers and data analysts, with basic knowledge of pandas. 

    Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • V3TEC Workout Gymnastikmatte
    V3TEC Workout Gymnastikmatte

    V3TEC Workout Gymnastikmatte Produktdetails : Hochwertige Gymnastikmatte Einseitige Strukturoberfläche Mit Übungsanleitung Zusammengerollt mit zwei Bändern Maße: 180 x 55 x 1 cm

    Preis: 9.95 € | Versand*: 5.99 €
  • Innovation Workout, The
    Innovation Workout, The

    Take your performance to the next level with our tried-and-tested guide on innovation.The Innovation Workout has been specially developed to be clear, simple, very easy to follow andhighly effective. Our unique pre-workout test will help you identify your weak and strong points andthe straightforward 10-step improvement plan will show you how you can quickly boost your skills. Test yourself – Start by finding out your current confidence and knowledge of innovation Follow the 10 Steps – learn everything you need to know to become an expert innovator Take action –   Experience 10 situations where you can apply your new-found skill in real life Face your fears – Take on 10 common innovation challenges to test your skills and find out how to handle them.This book really works. Start your innovation workout today and begin exercising your full potential.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Presentation Workout, The
    Presentation Workout, The

    Arm yourself with everything you need to quickly become an expert presenter. The Presentation Workout has been specially designed to help you perfect the art of presenting in any situation. Packed full of practical advice and easy-to-follow techniques, our 10-step improvement plan will show you how to enhance your skills and ensure you deliver a polished performance every time. Test yourself – Establish your strengths and weakness with our pre-workout assessment Follow the 10 Steps – Discover the skills that every presenter needs to succeed Take action –  Learn how to build your new knowledge into your everyday performance Face your fears –  Increase your confidence and confront the 10 most common presenting challenges   The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Was ist ein Workout?

    Ein Workout ist eine körperliche Aktivität, die darauf abzielt, die körperliche Fitness zu verbessern. Es kann aus verschiedenen Übungen und Bewegungen bestehen, die darauf abzielen, Ausdauer, Kraft, Flexibilität und Koordination zu verbessern. Workouts können sowohl im Fitnessstudio als auch zu Hause durchgeführt werden.

  • Ist dieses Workout sinnvoll?

    Um diese Frage zu beantworten, müsste ich mehr Informationen über das Workout haben. Ein sinnvolles Workout sollte jedoch verschiedene Aspekte wie Ausdauer, Kraft und Flexibilität abdecken und individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und Ziele der Person zugeschnitten sein. Es ist auch wichtig, dass das Workout sicher und effektiv ist und genügend Ruhephasen beinhaltet, um Verletzungen zu vermeiden.

  • Was bedeutet "zu viel Workout"?

    "Zu viel Workout" bedeutet, dass man übermäßig viel Sport oder körperliche Aktivität betreibt. Dies kann zu Überlastung, Verletzungen oder einem Burnout führen. Es ist wichtig, ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Training und Erholung zu finden, um eine optimale körperliche und mentale Gesundheit zu gewährleisten.

  • Ist das Workout zu schwer?

    Das hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie zum Beispiel deinem Fitnesslevel, deiner körperlichen Verfassung und deinen individuellen Zielen. Es ist wichtig, dass du dich während des Workouts herausgefordert fühlst, aber gleichzeitig auch in der Lage bist, die Übungen korrekt auszuführen und dich nicht zu überanstrengen. Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass das Workout zu schwer ist, solltest du möglicherweise die Intensität oder den Umfang der Übungen anpassen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Workout:

  • Leadership Workout, The
    Leadership Workout, The

    The Leadership Workout has been specially developed to be clear, simple, very easy to follow and highly effective. It will show you how you can identify your weak and strong points and the straightforward 10-step improvement plan will show you how you can quickly develop the skills and confidence you need to be an inspiring leader and effective manager. Test yourself – Start by finding out your current confidence and skills as a leader or manager Follow the 10 Steps – Learn everything you need to know to become a better leader Take action – Experience 10 situations where you can apply your new-found skills in real life Face your fears – Take on 10 common leadership challenges to test your skills and find out how to handle them. This book really works. And just to be sure, it’s already been tested on over 50 readers just like you. Start your leadership workout today and begin exercising your full potential. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Strategy Workout, The
    Strategy Workout, The

    The Strategy Workout has been specially developed to be clear, simple, very easy to follow and highly effective. Our unique pre-workout test will help you identify your weak and strong points and the straightforward 10-step improvement plan will show you how you can quickly boost your skills.

    Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • The Project Workout
    The Project Workout

    "an important book, taking a lead role in growing a new generation of professional project managers." Oded Cohen, The Goldratt Institute. Put yourself and your business through the Project Workout – learn to direct and manage the programmes and projects that will deliver results, drive change and improve the health of your business.Project Workout shows you how to:Identify and overcome common challengesMeasure critical success factors in any project Master a staged framework for managing a project Set up your project and manage the team, the schedule, the finances and the risks Develop the soft (interpersonal) and hard (structured management) skills of the effective project manager Manage a portfolio of projects Use project and programme management to direct and deliver change Improve your project tracking and delivery This book is supported by the Project Workout Live online resource (go to, A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO THE ART OF PROJECT AND PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT   Projects are an important strategic management tool and a way of life for every business person. But how do you get started and how do you ensure a successful outcome?This 4th edition of the definitive book on business-led project management offers help at every stage, from building a project team right up to reaping the rewards of a timely and successful project. Project Workoutgives you practical, immediately usable methods for directing and managing complete portfolios of projects as well as individual projects. Throughout the books is a collection of Workouts for you to use: exercises, problem posers, and techniques to help you put the book’s advice into practice straightaway. These are also provided on the enclosed CD-ROM, ready for you to print out and use with your team. The CD also contains handy templates including a Health Check, MS Project views and project logs, which can be downloaded to your desktop ready for use. Project Workoutis a valuable companion for project managers and executives at any level and a comprehensive resource for students of project management. About the author Robert Buttrickhas worked in project and programme management in many of the world’s most turbulent industrial sectors,includingtelecommunicationsand system engineering. Recently he has been engaged on a £1bn program to implement health systems in the UK. Before taking up his corporate career in 1993, Robert was with PA Consulting Group, a management and technology consultancy. There, he specialized in business-led project management, advising clients such as Lloyds TSB Bank, National Rivers Authority, Property Services Agency, Avon Industrial Polymers, National Westminster Bank, and RHM.Robert is a Master of Business Administration (Henley Management College), a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. His main pastime is watercolor painting. His one, unknown, claim to fame is that he once stopped a column of Russian tanks dead in its tracks.Robert can be contacted via his website, 

    Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Pre-Workout Booster
    Pre-Workout Booster

    Heb je net dat extra zetje nodig om de gym in te duiken? Wil je krachtiger en energieker zijn tijdens je training en ook nog eens betere resultaten behalen? Dan is Oerkacht pre workout hét supplement voor jou!

    Preis: 22.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie viel Kalorien verbrennt ein Workout?

    Die Anzahl der Kalorien, die du während eines Workouts verbrennst, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie z.B. deinem Gewicht, deiner Intensität und der Art der Übung. Generell kann man sagen, dass du bei intensiven Workouts mehr Kalorien verbrennst als bei leichteren Übungen. Ein durchschnittlicher Mensch verbrennt während eines 30-minütigen Workouts etwa 200-400 Kalorien, je nach Intensität. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass dies nur eine grobe Schätzung ist und individuell variieren kann. Um genauere Informationen zu erhalten, kannst du einen Kalorienrechner oder Fitness-Tracker verwenden.

  • Wie viele Kalorien verbrennt das Workout?

    Die Anzahl der verbrannten Kalorien hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, wie z.B. dem Gewicht, der Intensität des Workouts und der Dauer der Übung. Es ist schwer, eine genaue Zahl zu nennen, da jeder Körper unterschiedlich ist. Es wird jedoch geschätzt, dass ein durchschnittliches Workout zwischen 200-600 Kalorien verbrennen kann.

  • Ist ein Ganzkörper-Workout viermal pro Woche effektiver als ein gesplittetes Workout mit Push und Pull?

    Es hängt von den individuellen Zielen und Vorlieben ab. Ein Ganzkörper-Workout kann effektiv sein, um die Gesamtkraft und Ausdauer zu verbessern und den Körper gleichmäßig zu trainieren. Ein gesplittetes Workout mit Push- und Pull-Übungen kann jedoch spezifischer sein und ermöglicht eine gezieltere Arbeit an bestimmten Muskelgruppen. Es ist wichtig, das Training an die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Ziele anzupassen.

  • Was bringt ein 10 Minuten Workout?

    Ein 10-minütiges Workout kann viele Vorteile bieten, auch wenn es kurz ist. Es kann helfen, den Stoffwechsel anzukurbeln, Kalorien zu verbrennen und die körperliche Fitness zu verbessern. Zudem kann es die Durchblutung steigern, die Muskeln stärken und die allgemeine Gesundheit fördern. Auch wenn es nur kurz ist, kann ein regelmäßiges 10-minütiges Workout positive Auswirkungen auf den Körper haben und dazu beitragen, fit und aktiv zu bleiben. Es ist eine gute Möglichkeit, auch an stressigen Tagen etwas für die körperliche Fitness zu tun.

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